
How to deal with the barrier that arises when learning a language?

1. Don’t exaggerate your fear about basic english translate to tagalog

Many English speakers do not speak it perfectly, especially non-native speakers. So you are not alone.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask

Asking in order to clarify what they did not understand is normal – this is a completely natural phenomenon, it is not a shame to make a mistake, it is a shame to do nothing. This is true both in the classroom and in the context of live communication.

3. Don’t say “too long”

Do not complicate your speech, do not try your best to impress. “Brevity is the soul of wit”. Also, knowing that you may not understand the speaker, ask such questions that you will hear a short, non-extended answer.

4. Watch the tone of speech english to hindi

Speak slowly, do not shout, trying to get your point across, clearly articulate each syllable and letter.

5. Be patient

“Moscow was not built in a day”. “Success comes to those who wait.”

6. Don’t get hung up on details

It is clear that being in a lesson or abroad are two big differences, because in a lesson you can always look into a textbook or clarify the word with a teacher. The “trick” here is that without having to understand every word, you can catch the meaning of what is being said from the context, and understanding also makes it easier to visually perceive the situation.

7. The first word is no more expensive than the second

When listening to a foreign interlocutor, try to stick to a small technique: do not try to “cling” to the first word of the statement and understand EVERYTHING AT ONCE – this way you will not catch the main idea and lose the thread of the conversation – concentrate on the main idea.

8. Be realistic

Don’t deceive yourself. As adults, we are quite rightly accustomed to understanding the essence of what is happening, always knowing what to do, always knowing how to behave. But here it is important to admit to yourself: at least something you may misunderstand or not know. Awareness of the problem is the right way to the goal. Realize and say to yourself – “this is new”, “maybe I will not cope with this task right away”, “everything is fine”.

9. Draw while traveling

In a language environment, it is useful to carry a pencil and pen with you so that you can draw what you need at any time. Or, when going on a tour, upload photos that you will then show to the locals.

10. Practice makes perfect

The more you try and practice this or that skill, the better you get and the sooner the notorious barrier will fall.