

Translation of documents on automotive topics refers to the technical direction, which is characterized by terminological richness, ambiguity of definitions and clear logic of constructing speech messages. Observing the formalism of text blocks, forming “dry” capacious verbal constructions, it is important to take into account the narrow industry affiliation of the documentation. An understanding of its many inherent features ensures the technical correctness of the interpretation.

Stylistics and terminology of automotive documents

When translating documents from the automotive industry, it is necessary to observe the stylistic literacy of the message construction. Such texts are characterized by grammatical and lexical complexity of sentences, as well as the emotional impersonality of phrases. Each block should carry the maximum semantic load, so it is important to choose the right capacious analogs that fully correspond to the values ​​of the originals.

Automotive texts are characterized by:

terminological saturation with narrow-branch concepts, definitions;
the ambiguity of interpretations of lexemes;
formalism of speech blocks;
a clear structure for the construction of texts;
lack of emotional coloring, “dryness”, capacity of statements.
The abundance of terms with different meanings in the target language determines the complexity of the interpretation of lexemes. The selection of the exact pairs “foreign word – Russian-language analogue” should be performed taking into account the general semantic load of the document, due to which the text will be technically accurate.

Features of the translation of automotive texts

Most text boxes are structurally complex. The abundance of new terms, often formed by the merger of several lexical units, necessitates constant improvement of the language base. The selection of analogs for such speech elements is difficult, since sometimes it is not possible to find their exact meanings even in specialized dictionaries.

The complexity of translation is due to the presence of numerous diagrams, drawings, tables, which the linguist must be able to “read” and translate correctly. Such documentation is characterized by the frequent use of numerical values, supplemented by various units of measurement. This feature requires knowledge of different systems of measures and correct interpretation of numerical data.

When translating automotive documentation, one should take into account the lexical and grammatical features of both languages. This will avoid inaccuracies. Incorrect understanding of the meaning of statements, incorrect interpretation of numerical values ​​and their units of measurement can lead to a violation of production technology in mechanical engineering, cause difficulties in the operation of vehicles.

Types and directions of transfers

Foreign cars are in demand on the Russian market. When organizing the sale of vehicles, the manufacturing company is faced with the need to provide consumers with russified advertising information, operating instructions, technical documents and other materials. Automotive translation includes interpretation:

operation manuals;
advertising brochures, catalogs of accessories;
maintenance manuals;
educational text and multimedia materials;
patents, tender documents;
websites, their adaptation for clients;
colloquial speech during press conferences, trainings, negotiations.
Taking into account all the many aspects will allow you to get technically correct and lexically literate documents.

Necessary skills of a translator-linguist

It is important to entrust the written and oral translation of automotive documentation to a qualified translator who:

has the necessary practical experience in interpreting texts in this area;
has a thorough knowledge of industry terminology;
strictly adheres to the stylistic and grammatical features of text blocks;
accurately and correctly selects lexical units, takes into account industry-specific cliches in messages;
uses in practice various sources of vocabulary replenishment: dictionaries, glossaries, terminological reference books.
The professionalism and rich translation practice of the linguist guarantee the correctness and promptness of the interpretation of complex texts.